Tag Archive | Grasmere gingerbread

Grasmere Celebrates the Diamond Jubilee

I always feel proud of Grasmere, but never more so than this morning. On my early morning walk there was a sign saying “use side entrance of church” so I did!.

Jubilee Party St Oswald’s Church

In all the years I have been here, I have never seen such a sight. The interior of St Oswald’s Church was all decked out for a Jubilee Party.

Jubilee at St Oswald’s Grasmere

The lucky children of Grasmere School were having a “street party” inside the church. Something they would no doubt remember for a long time. Each child’s name was made into a crown, and the scene was set.

Let’s Celebrate

That got me thinking. Why not photograph more of the businesses that had made an effort for the Jubilee. So here we go. All credit to the following for making things so nice for our visitors.

Potted Out Cafe Grasmere

Potted Out Cafe had the flags flying over their door, and also these displays in their plant pots. Well they are part of the Garden Centre after all!

National Trust Information Centre

All Red, White and Blue in the Information Centre Window.

Jubilee Gingerbread Shop

I think Sarah Nelson would have been very proud of the display the present family members had made of the Gingerbread Shop.

Gingerbread Shop Celebrates

Next up, The Wordsworth Hotel.

Wordsworth Hotel Grasmere

Nearly got lead astray at this point as I could see everyone in the Hotel restaurant tucking into their breakfasts, which looked delicious!

Baldry’s Tearoom Grasmere

Luckily Baldry’s Tearoom was shut, as they have the most yummy cakes you can imagine.

Heidi’s Grasmere

The flags were flying at Heidi’s Cafe. A great place to stock up on a packed lunch for your walk.

Red Lion Hotel Grasmere

One of the oldest buildings in Grasmere. The Red Lion Hotel.

Attic Shop Grasmere

And the newest shop, just opened in a new home. Attic, full of wonderful gifts.

Heaton Cooper Studio Grasmere

Loved the Heaton Cooper Studio window. Obviously making the most of the fact that we also have the Olympic Torch passing through the village as well.

Herdy Shop Grasmere

Everyone’s favourite the totally cute Herdy shop.

Beck Allans

A great base in the centre of the village. Beck Allans holiday cottages and Bed and Breakfast.

The Storytellers Garden Grasmere

I suppose it was inevitable that the Storyteller Laureate of Great Britain would have the flags flying.

Story Teller Laureate Taffy Thomas

And guess what! Storyteller Taffy was at home. Full of tales of the events he was holding over the Jubilee holiday. In his newly spruced up garden, and as part of the Tales and Trails season, which take in walks to Helm Crag and Rydal Water.

Jubilee fairy

He was also telling me about an event he is appearing at, at the newly re-opened Allan Bank. An evening of fairy stories and music for mid summer. Sounded great.

Grasmere Church

So there you have it. A little insight into Grasmere life. With events planned all over the 4 day holiday, it’s a great place to be. Hog roast, sports, concerts in the church and a beautifully decorated village. What more could you ask.

Finally, come rain or shine, I spotted these in an outdoor shop in the centre of the village. You too can be patriotic come rain or shine!

British Wellys

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 2012

Grasmere Village Jubilee

Grasmere Gingerbread Shop.

Mention Grasmere anywhere in the World and the first thing people usually say is “Oh that’s where the gingerbread comes from” followed by “and didn’t Wordsworth use to live there”.

Happy at work, Grasmere Gingerbread Shop.

Situated in a little shop in the corner of Grasmere Churchyard, both the gingerbread and the building have an interesting history. I collect old postcards of Grasmere and have one of the Gingerbread Shop as it used to be in about 1860.

Old Postcard, Grasmere Gingerbread Shop.

The building was originally known as Gate Cottage built about 1630, and served as the village school. This was at a time when education wasn’t compulsory and locals paid a penny a day for their boys to attend. William Wordsworth actually taught at the school and his children attended it.

The old school clock

Many of the fixtures and fittings in the gingerbread shop come from theĀ  school. This clock originally cost two shillings and sixpence.

Old School Slate

When Education did become compulsory a new school was built and the Nelson family took over the tenancy, in about 1854. Sarah Nelson had previously worked for Lady Farquhar who lived in Dale Lodge at the time and she was encouraged by Lady Farquhar’s chef to set up her little business.

The Original Grasmere Gingerbread.

Sarah used to sell Helvellyn cake, aerated water and of course her special recipe of Gingerbread. Almost from the start she wrapped the gingerbread in pure vegetable parchment printed “None genuine without trademark”. The Gingerbread is still wrapped in parchment and sealed with a rubber band. The packaging really appeals to the Japanese and other lovers of our history and heritage.

Eager customers, Grasmere Gingerbread Shop.

There is always a queue from morning till closing time at the Gingerbread shop. Because of the size of the building it quite often snakes outside and along the street. While Andrew and his team do their best, baking it fresh every morning, it can run out, so an early visit is recommended. And if you enjoy it, you still have time to go back for more!.

Grasmere Gingerbread shop window.

I wonder how many hungry faces have peeped in this window over the years. Many famous visitors have graced it’s steps.

Royal approval

TV chef Phil Vickery actually used to work as a trainee chef in Grasmere years ago and has always had a soft spot for Grasmere Gingerbread and includes it in his list of “Best of British Produce”. Another chef to praise it is Jamie Oliver who said “Grasmere Gingerbread is the best i’ve eaten” . Grasmere attracts many famous folk, Tom Cruise, Nicole KIdman and Alan Whicker have all visited at some time.

Wrapping and Packing.

Grasmere Gingerbread is posted all over the world and it really is a full time job wrapping and packing it.

Grasmere Gingerbread Shop.

This little shop is the only place where you can buy the genuine article. And no matter how hard you try to recreate it, it never tastes the same. The recipe is a secret and is stored in the bank vaults at the NatWest Bank in Ambleside.

Every one has there own way of enjoying it. My favourite is to make a lemon cheesecake base with it, delicious!. Enjoy with a cup of tea or a whisky or of course enjoy it just on it’s own. I’ve managed to eat a whole packet while writing this, thanks to Andrew, the “Gingerbread Man”. But my excuse is, ginger is good for you. A last personal tip. Anytime I am travelling by boat I always take a bit to nibble. We were once the only ones not seasick on a trip across the North Sea. Thank you Grasmere Gingerbread!.